O tyred Iesu cyn del nos

(Cyfaddefiad, Profiad, Erfyniau.)
O tyred Iesu cyn del nos,
Marchog yn haeddiant
    gwaed y gro's;
  Neidia dros fryniau ffiaidd, ffol,
  A chymer f'enaid yn dy gol.

'Does is yr haul, b'le bynag mae,
Gymhwysach un i ti iachau;
  Pa ddynfna'r clwyf
      mwy fydd dy glod,
  A mi yw'r dyfna'i glwy' erio'd.

Rho win ac olew yn fy mriw,
Gwisg fi yn deg â delw Duw;
  Par'to fi'i fyn'd i blith y llu
  Sy'n ddysglaer yn y nefoedd fry.

O cofia'th angau ar y pren,
A'r goron ddrain
    fu ar dy ben;
  Ac mai tros weiniaid fel myfi,
  Tywelltaist ti
      dy waed yn lli.

Cymer fi, Iesu, fel yr wyf,
Cuddia fi yn dy fawrol glwyf;
  Can's dyma'r graig
      y gwnaf fy nyth,
  'Does achos ofni yno byth.

Gâd imi, bellach, dydd a nos,
I dreulio'm hamser tan y gro's;
  'Does trigfan arall tan y ne'
  I'r ofnog rai
      yn addas le.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: MH 8888]

  Cymer fi Iesu fel yr wyf
  Dal fi fy Nuw dal fi i'r làn
  Dysg fi 'mhob man dysg fi pa fodd
  Gweddio 'rwyf och'neidio yn brudd
  Gweddio 'rwyf yn min y don

(Confession, Experience, Petitions.)
O come Jesus before night comes,
Ride in the merit of the
    blood of the cross;
  Leap over detestable, foolish hills,
  And take my soul to thy bosom.

There is no-one anywhere under the sun,
More qualified to heal thee;
  The deeper the wound,
      the greater shall be thy acclaim,
  And I have the deepest wound ever.

Put wine and oil in my wound,
Dress me fairly with the image of my God;
  Prepare me to go amongst the throng
  Who are shining in the heavens above.

O remember thy death on the tree,
And the crown of thorns
    that was on thy head;
  And that for weak ones like me,
  Thou didst pour out
      thy blood as a stream.

Take me, Jesus, as I am,
Hide me in thy mortal wound;
  Since here is the rock
      where I will make my nest,
  There is never any cause to fear there.

Let me, henceforth, day and night,
Spend my night under the cross;
  There is no other dwelling under heaven
  For the fearful ones
      as a suitable place.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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